A Designer’s Update

Learn to be well Blog - A Designer's Update - Grinberg Method and Reflexology/Footwork | Charlotte Crowther, London . Source: http://www.graceleeillustrator.com

It’s always great to hear how client’s have continued their projects after working with them for a period. It brought a smile to receive this update yesterday!

I just wanted to update you on the latest movements in my life! I have decided to go to Bali and Malaysia for a month next year to do some research into fabrics and possibly ethical tailoring. I’m working on a collection of pieces for shows and festivals which is really exciting and I hope to have ready by May 2014.


I’m also designing the course material for two university courses, specific and technical English for design and engineering students. I hope to get more work like this especially in design schools.


So first and foremost I wanted to thank you for helping me help myself and gain confidence in the fact that I can be a designer!


I remind myself of the breathing exercises you taught me and still have the instructions up on my bedroom door.


I really am ever so grateful for all your help this year, I feel like I’ve made so much progress and the Grinberg Method has made a really positive impact on my life.”


– P, Barcelona