learn to be well

Learn to be well
Client stories

Daniela Oliviera
Dream Realiser

learn to be well client stories

Daniela’s motivation to begin a learning process came from wanting to pursue her childhood dream of making and selling her own collection of clothing and accessories.

Step #1

Define aim

What stopped Daniela achieving her goal was her lifelong doubt whether she was good enough and could achieve her dream. We made a breakdown of the different aspects of this challenge and took each one step-by-step until she achieved her aim.

Step #2

Develop core body skills and attention

To begin, we dedicated sessions to gaining greater body awareness. Through these sessions Daniela learnt how she could breathe superficially and hold tension in her chest. She developed her ability to breathe with greater depth and let go of holding her chest, enabling her to be present, focused and have a higher level of energy.

Step #3

Identify and stop automatic patterns

As Daniela developed greater body awareness, she found when she doubted herself she would breathe little and tense her chest. She practiced noticing and stopping these patterns in her daily life.

Step #4

Use capacities and new options to achieve aim

Daniela’s increased attention and control went hand-in-hand with increasing her ability to manage different parts of the project’s development. She learnt to stop herself procrastinating and worrying about how each stage of the project would turn out. Daniela spent less time being overwhelmed, doubtful and lacking in confidence.

Step #5 - Complete aim

  • Daniela became more patient, realistic and persistent which led to her enjoying the process of developing the project, perceiving opportunities that came her way, and completing tasks and steps to reach her goal. The fear of the potential of failure diminished and she experienced greater trust in herself and courage to pursue her project.

    By the end of her series of sessions, Daniela established the foundation of her project and business with manufactured samples. She developed resources to continue with her project and regained her confidence, creativity and enthusiasm.

You can see a video of Daniela’s creations here: