learn to be well

Learn to be well
Client stories

Mariana Gonzalez-Pie
Stress Buster

learn to be well client stories

After two years of co-founding and co-running a new restaurant, Mariana decided she wanted to learn how to improve her ability to manage the pressure, tension and stress she experienced daily.

Step #1

Define aim

  • Mariana had the following aims:
  • 1. Reduce physical tension.
  • 2. Manage her intense workload effectively
  • 3. Improve her ability to relate and communicate with colleagues

Step #2

Develop core body skills and attention

Mariana learnt to notice where she held tension in a part of the body and how to let it go. She practised expanding her body attention using her breathing and letting go by contracting and releasing the tense muscles.

Step #3

Identify and stop automatic patterns

By expanding her body attention, Mariana was able to notice her physical response to stress at work. She learnt to pick up when she breathed superficially, or when she tensed her shoulders while cooking. In doing she practised letting go of her shoulders while cooking and paid attention to breathe more fully too.

Step #4

Use capacities and new options to achieve aim

In a few weeks Mariana experienced less physical discomfort, a sense of relaxation and greater ability to concentrate. This gave her more energy to manage her intense workload more effectively and a lighter perspective on her day-to-day tasks. She also gained more capacity to learn how she automatically reacted to colleagues and how to stop these responses.

Step #5 - Complete aim

  • After eight sessions Mariana gained the following (0 = nothing, 10 = beyond expectation):

Physical results:

learn to be well physical achivements

Mental and emotional results:

learn to be well mental achivements

Overall results:

  • • Increased confidence, security and sense of calm.
  • • Greater sense of perspective.
  • • More clarity and ability to focus when under stress.
  • • Greater enjoyment in her day-to-day activities.

“Many thanks Charlotte! The sessions have been really useful and I’m enthusiastic because I see results!”